Full Name
Laurie Thompson
Job Title
Implementation Manager - Focused Healthcare Division
Speaker Bio
I’m an Implementation Manager at Multiview. I’ve been working at this great company for 8 years now, beginning in implementation, moving to a lead role a few years later and this year to manager of our Focused Healthcare Division. Our implementation professionals work diligently to bring our new clients a superior ERP system in Multiview and we’re all truly fired up to see you here in person this year!
My working life has always been in accounting roles, expanding into materials and database management tasks with a manufacturing firm where I worked for over 16 years. Most recently, prior to Multiview, I was a data analyst at a critical access hospital. I’m passionate about software that brings efficiencies, ease of use and great value to the user – that’s why I came to work at Multiview!
When not working I enjoy reading, golf, quilting, binging my favorite TV shows and playing with my 3 year old grandson Atlas!
Laurie Thompson